
左旋布比卡因的毒性研究进展 被引量:6

Advance in the research of the toxcity of levobupivacaine
摘要 左旋布比卡因是一种长效酰胺类局部麻醉药,是从消旋布比卡因中提取的单一镜像体。左旋布比卡因与布比卡因具有相似的效能,而毒性却低于布比卡因。动物实验和健康志愿者研究均证明左旋布比卡因的心血管作用与罗哌卡因相似,心血管毒性比布比卡因低;左旋布比卡因的中枢神经毒性也小于布比卡因。临床上已有左旋布比卡因毒性反应的报道,但都没有留下严重的后遗症。左旋布比应该是替代布比卡因的一个理想选择。 Levobupivacaine is a long acting, amide-type local anaesthetic that is the S (-)-isomer of the racemate bupivacaine. In general, in vitro, in vivo and human volunteer studies of nerve block indicate that levobupivacaine is as potent as bupivacaine and produces similar sensory and motor block. However, current preclinical and clinical safety and toxicity data show that levobupivacaine had a lower risk of cardiovascular and CNS toxicity than bupivacaine. Excluding pharmacoeconomic considerations, levobupivacaine is an appropriate choice for use in place of bupivacaine.
出处 《国际麻醉学与复苏杂志》 CAS 2007年第3期286-288,共3页 International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
关键词 酰胺类 局部麻醉药 毒性 amide-type local anaesthetic toxicity
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