
光子晶体光纤中超连续谱宽与波长关系的研究 被引量:1

Study on relationship of supercontinuum spectral width and wavelength in photonic crystal fibers
摘要 采用分步傅里叶方法模拟了激光脉冲在光子晶体光纤中超连续谱的产生和非线性传输。计算和分析了初始光脉冲的峰值功率和非线性效应对超连续谱形状和带宽的影响,另外,还发现了初始光脉冲的不同波长对超连续谱的频谱宽度也有直接影响。 A theoretical investigation with the method of split-step Fourier is presented on the nonlinear propagation and supercontinuum generation of laser pulse in a photonic crystal fiber. The impact of the power of the initial laser pulse and nonlinear effects on spectral shape and band width is calculated and analyzed. The band width of the supercontinuum is found to be related to wavelengths of the initial laser pulse.
出处 《光学仪器》 2007年第3期41-45,共5页 Optical Instruments
关键词 超连续谱 光子晶体光纤 分步傅里叶方法 supercontinuum photonic crystal fibers split-step Fourier method
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