
组织中的申述 被引量:2

Accounts in Organizations
摘要 组织中的申述指发生在组织环境中的解释。在理论上,研究者采用印象管理和归因、互动公正以及公平理论三种视角探讨申述对缓和组织困境的作用。在方法上,研究者除了使用关键事件调查和实验室实验法之外,发展了“置于情境的实验”方法。在研究成果上,发现申述除了具有积极作用之外,有时也具有反作用和副作用。文章还讨论了申述的应用价值。 Accounts in organizations are explanations used in organizational contexts. When exploring the mitigating effect of accounts on organizational predicament, some researchers used impression management theory and attribution theory, others used interactional justice theory or fairness theory. In research method, situated experiments were added to the critical incident method and lab experiments. Although most researches emphasized the positive effects of accounts on reducing the unfavorable consequences of organizational predicaments, accounts could backfire and had side effects sometime. The authors also discussed the applicable significance of accounts.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期659-664,共6页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(M703135)资助
关键词 申述 解释 辩解 正当化 互动公正. accounts, explanations, excuses, justifications, interactional justice.
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