General secretary Hu Jintao required in the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party' s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that the whole party should carefully study Constitution of the Party and lay a solid foundation for intensifying the building Party style and a clean government and the combat of corruption. In order to reach it, we must give play to the criterion role of Constitution of the Party, grasp the right political direction, keep the guiding thought and basic principle of combating corruption and building a clean government, lay a political basis for combating corruption and building a clean government; we must give play to the relying role of Constitution of the Party, adhere to the guiding principle of administering the Party severely, promote the systemization and normalization of combating corruption and building a clean government, and lay its system basis; we also should give play to the basic standard role of Constitution of the Party, enhance party training of the party members, intensify the conscience of self-discipline of party leaders, lay an ideological foundation for building Party style and a clean government and the combat of cormotion.
Journal of Liaoning Medical College:Social Science Edition
Constitution of the Party, combating corruption and building a clean government, political basis, system basis, ideological basis