This is the official speech by Mr. Wang Xianzheng, Deputy Director-General of China State Administration of Work Safety Supervision and President of China National Coal Association, delivered at China Energy Strategic Top Forum held on May 25, 2007. This official speech, viewing five important aspects of China’s coal industry, deliberates that China’s coal industry will enter into an accelerating stage for further development. This speech also declares that a healthy sustainable development of China’s coal industry calls for the optimization of the internal industrial structure of the sector proper, speeding up the process of transforming the coal sector’s economic growth mode and further enhancing work place safety in this sector.
This is the official speech by Mr. Wang Xianzheng, Deputy Director-General of China State Administration of Work Safety Supervision and President of China National Coal Association, delivered at China Energy Strategic Top Forum held on May 25, 2007. This official speech, viewing five important aspects of China's coal industry, deliberates that China's coal industry will enter into an accelerating stage for further development. This speech also declares that a healthy sustainable development of China's coal industry calls for the optimization of the internal industrial structure of the sector proper, speeding up the process of transforming the coal sector's economic growth mode and further enhancing work place safety in this sector.
China Coal