
第2代抗精神病药治疗双相障碍的临床疗效评价 被引量:3

Second Generation Antipsychotics for Bipolar Disorders:Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy
摘要 目的:评价第2代抗精神病药治疗双相障碍的临床疗效。方法:查阅国内外近年文献,对第2代抗精神病药治疗双相障碍的进展和临床应用进行评价。结果与结论:第2代抗精神病药治疗双相障碍单药治疗和附加治疗具有良好效果。其特点起效快,具有控制躁狂,缓解抑郁,改善精神病性症状作用,不良反应少,耐受性和安全性好。因此,第2代抗精神病药可作为治疗双相障碍的一线首选药之一。 OBJECTIVE: To evaluation the efficacy of second generation antipsychotics (SGA) in the treatment of bipolar disorder (BPD). METHODS: The progress and clinical application of SGA in the treatment of BPD were evaluated by reviewing recent literature at home and abroad. RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Monotherapy and adjunctive therapy of SGA showed a satisfactory efficacy in the treatment of BPD. SGA have a rapid onset time, and they are able to control mania, relieve depression and improve psychotic symptoms, while they have less adverse reactions and good tolerance and good safety. Thus, SGA can be served as one of the first choice drugs in the treatment of BPD.
作者 吉中孚
机构地区 北京回龙观医院
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2007年第3期180-183,共4页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 第2代抗精神病药 双相障碍 心境稳定剂 临床评价 Second generation antipsychotics Bipolar disorder Mood stabilizers Clinical evaluation
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