In epidemiological investigations, the validity and reliability of data under different waysof collection might not be consistent. ln order to evaluate the consistency of data coIlected from casesthernselves or from their surrogates(for example, the sPouse) through answering the same questionnaire,at personal interview, was carried out among 5O cases of lung cancer and their surrogates reSPectively.other than the item starting age of smoking by a paired - t test, the results showed that between the twogroups of quantitative data sources, the overa1l consistent rate was 84. l % and the differences were notsignificant (P >0.05 ). When Kappa consistency test was used to the count variables, an averageconSstent rate of 87. 8% was noticed, but P values were less than o. oo1 for all iterns. Results from thisstudy were qtiite similar to those with have been published abroad and suggested that it is credible tocol1ect data from surrOgates when dead cases were se1ected as researh subjects.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology