针对中条山有色金属公司冶炼厂铜精矿的特点和熔池熔炼法这一新的炼铜工艺对炉渣的基本要求,采用“五分量对数项混料模型的D-最优和 D_n-最优设计”,对含量(%)为FeO 40-65,Fe_3O_4 3.5-10,SiO_2 28-42,CaO 3-15,MgO 0.5-5的炉渣粘度与熔点等性能进行系统的实验研究,确立不同温度(1 160,1 210,1 260℃)下炉渣粘度与组分之间关系的混料回归模型以及炉渣熔点与组分之间关系的混料回归模型。
The Copper Smeltery under Zhong Tiao Shan Non-ferrous Metal CorporationChina has recently introduced a new process, i. e. the bath smelting, intocopper refining. Taking account of what the slag requires in tho new processand the features of copper concentrates used, an optimization approach, i. e.D-optimal and Dn -optimal design with 5 vaviable logerithmatic terms, is appliedto the mixing model for a systematic investigation on the properties of thoseslages containing (in% ) FeO 40--65,Fe_3O_4 3.5--10,SiO_2 28--42, CaO 3--15 and MgO0.5--5,such as their viscosities and melting points, etc. In this way, regressivemixing models decribing the relationship between the viscosity and compositionof slag and the relationship between melting point and composition are deve-loped at 1160, 1210 and 1260℃, respectively.
bath smelting
moelten slag
mixing model