
血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平与妊娠期高血压及子痫关系的Meta分析 被引量:2

Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Serum Chorionic Gonadotropin and Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy and Preeclampsia
摘要 目的了解孕中期高水平母血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素(MshCG)与妊娠期高血压及子痫前期的关系。方法应用Meta分析方法,对国内外7篇有关孕中期高水平MshCG与妊娠期高血压及4篇有关孕中期高水平MshCG与子痫前期关系的病例对照研究结果进行同质性检验和合并效应量的估计。结果孕中期高水平MshCG与妊娠期高血压关系研究的Meta分析结果(1)异质性检验:异质性检验统计量Q值为15.91,假设检验有统计学意义(P=0.01),合并效应尺度的计算采用随机效应模型。(2)总人群合并效应尺度分析结果:合并效应尺度Z值为5.99,合并OR为1.73,合并效应尺度假设检验有统计学意义(P≤0.01)。孕中期高水平MshCG与子痫前期关系研究的Meta分析结果(1)异质性检验:异质性检验统计量Q值为4.79,假设检验有统计学意义(P=0.19),合并效应尺度的计算采用固定效应模型。(2)总人群合并效应尺度分析结果:合并效应尺度Z值为3.03,合并OR为2.49,合并效应尺度假设检验有统计学意义(P=0.0002)。结论孕中期高水平MshCG与妊娠期高血压有关。孕中期高水平MshCG与子痫前期有关。 Objective To investigate the relationship between high level of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and disorder complicating pregnancy and preeclampsia. Methods The results of 7 studies about the relationship between high level of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and hypertensive disorder in pregnancy, and 4 easecontrol studies about the relationship between high level! of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and preeclampsia were analyzed by meta-analysis in homogeneity test and combined test. Results In this meta-analysis, the homogeneity test of 7 studies about the relationship between high level of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and hypertensive disorder in pregnancy indicated that the cases had clinical and statistical homogeneity (Q = 15.91, P = 0.01 ) ; and the pooled analysis showed the pooled effect magnitudes had statistical significance (Z = 5.99, OR = 1.73, P≤0.01). While the homogeneity test of 4 studies about the relationship between high level of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and preeclampsia showed that the eases had clinical and statistical heterogeneity (Q = 4.79, P = 0.19) ; and the pooled analysis indicated that the pooled effect magnitudes had statistical significance (Z = 3.03, OR = 2.49, P = 0.0002). Conclusions There exist significant correlation between high level of maternal serum free β-hCG in the pregnant metaphase and hypertensive disorder in pregnancy and preeclampsia.
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2007年第7期7-9,共3页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 人绒毛膜促性腺激素 孕中期 妊娠期高血压 子痫前期 META分析 Free β-hCG Pregnant metaphase Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy Preeclampsia meta-analysis
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