
美英在联合国中国代表权问题上的分歧与协调(1950—1951) 被引量:7

Chinese Representation in the United Nations:Anglo-American Controversy and Consultation(1950-1951)
摘要 有关中国在联合国的代表权问题,美国的基本立场是反对中国代表权变更,尽管在朝鲜战争爆发前后有微妙的区别,此前主要是私下操纵,此后则公开阻挠。英国的投票立场经历了从弃权、赞成中国代表权变更到最终支持美国在联合国搁置对中国代表权问题讨论的演变过程。而且,英国赞成新中国取得合法代表权并不意味着取缔国民党集团的非法代表,其政策转轨亦不同步。在1950年1-6月,英国开始由弃权走向有条件赞成新中国取得席位,美英分歧凸现,各自为自己的立场游说其他安理会成员国。1950年6月-1951年1月是美英分歧与协调的高峰时期,英国逐渐走向赞成接纳新中国代表同时驱逐国民党非法代表的立场。美国则不遗余力地反对中国代表权的变更。1951年2-6月,英国由赞成中国代表权变更转向支持美国在联合国搁置对这一问题的讨论,美英纷争基本平息。美英在这一问题上的分歧除了反映两国对华政策的差异外,也折射出两国对联合国组织的不同理念。 Concerning Chinese representation in the United Nations, the basic position of America was to oppose seating Chinese Communist in the United Nations. But there were some subtle differences. Before the Korean War, the U. S. government was dedicated to secretly manipulate other members of the Security Counsel of UN to prevent a majority resolution to seat PRC instead of Kuomintang's representation. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the U. S. government opposed seating Chinese Communist openly and imposed great pressure on other countries and proposed to resolve this issue in the General Assembly of UN. British voting stance to PRC went through three phases: abstaining from voting, voting in favor of and shelving the issue. During the period from Jan. to June, 1950, the Anglo-American disputes appeared and respectively lobbied other members for their own aims. The second period which is the height of Anglo-American controversies and consultation lasted from Jun. 1950 to Feb. 1951. British inclined to adopt affirmative vote for substituting PRC for the Kuomintang representation, whereas the U.S. opposed the substitution firmly. The last phase was from Jan. to June, 1951, during which the affirmative vote policy went into a dilemma, and finally British chose to support the United States. Anglo-American controversies over the issue of Chinese representation reflects their differences not only in policies towards China but also in their perceptions of the United Nations.
作者 徐友珍
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期46-53,共8页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 美英关系 联合国 中国代表权 Anglo-American relations the United Nations Chinese representation
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