
社会资本视觉下高校教师心理压力分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the Psychological Stress of Teachers in Institutes of Higher Learning from the Perspective of Social Capital
摘要 从社会资本视觉来看,造成高校教师心理压力的主要原因在于高校教师的社会关系难显优势,社会资本中的信任、规范、社会网络等因素的不良或欠缺,导致社会资本贫乏或占有不足。注重提高高校教师社会资本的积累和价值,是减轻高校教师心理压力,提高心理健康水平的有效途径。 From the perspective of social capital, the primary reason for the psychological stress of teachers in institutes of higher learning lies in the lack of predominance of social relations among teachers in institutes of higher learning. The inadequacy or lack of such factors as trust, norms, and social network cause the lack or inadequacy of possession of social capital. It is an effective approach for relieving the psychological pressure of teachers in institutes of higher learning, and improving the mental and health standard to focus attention on the accumulation and value of the social capital of teachers in institutes of higher learning.
作者 李峰
出处 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2007年第3期103-105,共3页 Journal of Xianyang Normal University
关键词 高校教师 心理压力 社会资本 社会网络 teachers in institutes of higher learning psychological pressure social capital social network
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