1Jack C. Plano and Roy Olton, The International Relations Dictionary, Kalamazoo,Mich. :New Issues,1979,p. 288.
2J. Martin Rochester,"The Rise and Fall of International Organization as a Field of Study," Internatioal Organization, Vol. 40, No. 4, Autumn,1986, pp. 777 - 813.
4Laster Salamon, S. Wojciech Sokolowski, Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, Vol. Ⅱ, BLoomfield, CT: Kumarian Press,Inc., 2004,pp. 15-17.
5世界银行网站文章." Nongovernmental Orgnizations and Civil Society/Overview", http ://wbln0018. worldbank, org/essd/essd, nsf/NGOs/home, June 8,2001.
6Laster M. Salamon and Helmut K. Anheier, Global Civil Society:Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, U. S. A. : The Johns Hopkins University Maryland, 1999.