
维生素D不足、矿物质代谢异常对慢性肾病心血管系统的影响及处理 被引量:2

Effects and Management of Vitamin D Deficiency and Abnormal Mineral Metabolism on Cardiovascular System of Chronic Kidney Disease
摘要 1,25-二羟维生素D3合成减少、肾脏对磷廓清不足、血钙失调、继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进和骨病是慢性肾脏疾病的特征,临床观察性研究证实维生素D及维生素D受体激活剂治疗与血液透析患者的生存率获益有关,并独立于甲状旁腺激素、血钙和磷,可能的解释是维生素D及维生素D受体激活剂对心血管系统产生了有利影响。现就矿物质代谢紊乱、维生素D不足对慢性肾脏疾病患者心血管系统的影响及相关处理进行简要综述。 Chronic kidney disease is characterized by reduced synthesis of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitarnin D3, inadequate renal phosphate (P) clearance and calcium (Ca) imbalance, secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone disease. In the light of recent observational studies showing an association of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor ( VDR ) activator therapy and survival benefit in hemodialysis patients, independent of parathyroid hormone, P and Ca. One possible explanation for this observation is that vitamin D and VDR activators exert a positive impact on cardiovascular function. This article discusses the effects and management of vitamin D deficiency and disordered mineral metabolism on the cardiovascular system of chronic kidney disease.
出处 《心血管病学进展》 CAS 2007年第4期641-644,共4页 Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases
关键词 维生素D 慢性肾病 心血管系统 处理 vitamin D chronic kidney disease cardiovascular system management
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