Three new species of the ant genus Pheidologeton Mayr in Guangxi, China, P. melasolenus sp. n. P. latinodus sp. n. and P. trechideros sp. n., are described. A key based on large major worker caste is given to the known species of Guangxi. The holotypes are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, the paratypes and other specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Guangxi Normal University. The measurements and indices used in the paper are as defined by Holldobler and Wilson (1990). All measurements are expressed in millimeters, and indices are expressed in percentage. 1 Pheidologeton melasolenus sp. nov. (Figs.1-3) Holotypes large major worker: TL 5.8; HL 1.87, HW 1.80, CI 96; SL 0.85, SI 47; PW 0.75, AL 1.52; ED 0.10. This new species is similar to P. vespillo Wheeler, but differs from the latter in: 1) head with a black line in occipital groove, the latter without black line in its occipital groove; 2) postpetiole transverselly ellipital, 1.5 times as broad as long, the latter with its postpetiole as long as broad; 3) head and body with numerous erect or suberect hairs, especially on head and on pronotum, the latter with sparse hairs on those portions. Holotypes large major worker, Jinxiu County, Guangxi Province, 24-Ⅸ-1995, collected by Zhou Shanyi. Paratypes: 1 large major worker, 4 small major workers and 8 minor workers, data as holotype; 2 large major workers, 4 small major workers and 3 minor workers, Xin'an County, Guangxi Province, 25-Ⅵ-1994; 6 small major workers and 3 minor workers, Daming Mountain, Guangxi Province, 30-X-1995. Specimens are collected by Zhou Shanyi. 2 Pheidologeton latinodus sp. nov. (Figs. 4-6) Holotypes large major worker: TL 6.8; HL 2.12, HW 1.93, CI 91; SL 0.88, SI 46; PW 0.92, AL 1.74; ED 0.18. This new species resembles P. maccus Wheeler, but differs from the latter in: 1) propodeal spines slender and short, the latter with its spines stout; 2) upper surface of postpetiole smooth and shining, while the latter's upper surface of postpetiole with several longitudinal impressions; 3) anterior and lateral margin of mesonotum with fine but distinct rugae, the latter without rugae on mesonotum. In addition, the new species is orange red, and the latter ferruginous red. Holotypes large major worker, Hechi City, Guangxi Province, 24-X-1995, collected by Zhou Shanyi. Paratypes: 7 major workers and 11 minor workers, data as holotype; 3 major workers and 9 minor workers, Rongxian County, Guangxi Province, 16-X-1995; 4 major workers and 6 minor workers, Beiliu City, Guangxi Province, 17-X-1995; 4 major workers and 4 minor workers, Mengshan County, Guangxi Province, 26-Ⅸ-1995; 7 major workers and 11 minor workers, Wuxuan County, Guangxi Province, 11-X-1995; 3 major workers and 5 minor workers, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, 22-Ⅸ-1995, All specimens are collected by Zhou Shanyi. 3 Pheidologeton trechideros sp. nov. (Figs. 7-9) Holotypes large major worker: TL 7.4; HL 2.22, HW 2.15, CI 96; SL 0.95 , SI 44; PW 0.88, AL 1.62; ED 0.19. This new species is similar to P. diversus (Jerdon) in body color, body form and rugae on body, but differs from the latter in the following characters: 1) rugae on occipital corner reticulated; 2) whole head with longitudinal rugae, without smooth area; 3) propodeal spines short, and its tips curved dorsally and anteriorly. It closely related to P. diversus fictus var pilosior Wheeler, but differs from the latter in: 1) head, alitrunk and petiole coarsely rugose and punctate, not shining, the latter shining throughout; 2) mesonotum with longitudinal rugae and punctures, the latter with its mesonotum coarsely punctate but not rugose; 3) propodeal spines curved as it mentioned above, the latter with propodeal spines short but straight and acute. Modern myrmecologists have not used the rank of variety even the rank of subspecies in ant taxonomy (B. Bolton, personal communication), and the species differs distinctly from P. diversus and its related species. Holotypes large major worker, Huaping Natural Conserva
Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Pheidologeton, Taxonomy, Guangxi