利用分离的叶绿体作实验材料,发现华山松(Pinus armandi Franch.)南方种源的4阶导数吸收光谱在680nm处峰值较大,在670nm处峰值较小,而北方种源中出现了在680nm处峰值较在670nm峰值小的类群,推断北方种群反应中心活力有下降趋势。南、北种源之间的低温(77K)荧光发射光谱有明显差异,PSⅠ、PSⅡ发射峰位置出现地理变动。低温荧光激发光谱分析表明,地理变异主要发生在叶绿素a的分子状态上。研究还表明,完整的针叶因为有角质层、松脂等物质干扰,检测不出光谱的差异,不是理想的实验材料。
By measuring the derivative absorption spectra of chloroplasts of different populations of Pinus armandi Franch. , it was found that southern populations maintained higher absorption at 680 nm than at 670 nm, but some of the northern populations deviated the maximum absorption from 680 nm to 670 nm, which indicated that the activity of PS II in some of the northern populations declined . Clear geographical differences also have been found in the positions of emission peaks of PS I and PS II in the fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K. Analysis of the fluorescence excitation spectra at 77 K revealed geographical changes in the absorption status of Chl a. Besides, the experimental results indicated that the intact needles of Pinus armandi are not ideal materials to be used in detecting the geographical variation in photochemical reaction process because the presence of thicker coat, resin etc. can conceal the spectral differences in different populations.
Pinus armandi, Geographical variation, Fourth derivative absorption spectra, Fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K, Fluorescence excitation spectra at 77 K