Objective: To investigate the effect on correction of occiput posterior (OP) position and lift the rate of viginal delivery by changing maternal posture when active -phase was arrested. Methods: With occiput posterior position, 150 normal nulliparous gravida were instructed to lay on the same lateral posture with fetal spine in order to correct the fetal position from OP position to occipito anterior (OA) position once active - phase arrested were diagnosed as observed group, in which , 50 cases with acceleration phase arrested, 50 cases with phase of maximum slope arrested and 50 cases with deceleration phase arrested.. Similarly , 150 normal nulliparous gravida with head OP position and active - phase arrested were instructed to lay on the opposite side to the fetal spine as the first control group , another 150 cases normal nulliparus gravida with head OP position and active - phase arrested were instructed to lay randomly when the same as above ab- normal course of labor were diagnosed as the second control groups. Results: In observed group which gravidas were instructed to lay on the same lateral posture with fetal spine, the rate of the fetal position from OP to OA was 78%, 80% and 52% respectively when courses of labor arrested in acceleration phase, phase of maximum slope and deceleration phase, the total correcting rate of the fetal position was 70% , the total rate of viginal delivery was 69. 3% . In the first control group which gravida were instructed to lay on the opposite side to the fetal spine the rate of the fetal position from OP to OA was 58%, 62% and 34% respectively when the same courses of labor arrested as observed group , the total correcting rate of the fetal position was 51. 3% , the total rate of viginal delivery was 45. 3% . In the second control group which gravida were instructed to lay randomly , the rate of the fetal position from OP to OA was 30%, 32% and 18% respectively when the same courses of labor arrested as observed group the total correcting rate of the fetal position was 26. 7% , the total rate of viginal delivery was 26. 7% . For all abnormal courses of labor regardless of arrest in acceleration phase, phase of maximum slope or deceleration phase , the rates of viginal delivery and the fetal position from OP to OA were significantly higher in observed group than the first control group and the second control group ( P 〈 0. 05, or P 〈 0. 005 ) ; the rates of cesarean section and persistent oeciput posterior position were significantly lower in observed group than the first control group and the second control group ( P 〈 0. 05, or P 〈 0. 005 ) . Conclusion: When active - phase of labor course arrest , instructing pregnancy to lay on the same lateral posture with fetal spine can correct the fetal position from OP to OA , lift the rate of viginal deliver and low the rate of cesarean section effectively, it is helpful to improve obstetric quality and can be adopted in most obstetric units.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Occipito- posterior
Arrested active phase
Body position