
时空变化分类与表达研究 被引量:2

Research on the classification and representation of change in spatial database
摘要 为了解决空间数据库更新过程中地理对象时空变化类型不明晰的问题,利用语义、空间、时态和属性4个组件描述地理对象,并以地理对象集合、地理对象、对象组件以及对象组件属性4个具有层次关系的因子实现地理对象时空变化的分类与表达,通过分析确定了单一对象的17种变化类型、多个对象的4种变化类型,以及每种变化对应的数据库操作。最后,以一个实例说明空间数据变化类型的判定过程。 Recent years, more and more people began to study incremental updating of spatial database. This method of updating makes it possible to transfer change-only information to the end-users, namely to transfer the incremental data. In order to find out the changed objects in a database, firstly we need to identify uniquely all of the objects. In this paper, we define a geographical object as a new 4-tuple {semantic component, thematic component, spatial component, and temporal component}. A method to classify and represent the change is proposed based on a 4-factor hiberarchy, i.e. object set, object, object component and attribute of object component. According to this method, 17 kinds of change about single object and 4 kinds of change about multi-object are confirmed.
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期88-90,共3页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2005BA113A03)资助
关键词 更新数据发布 时空变化 分类与表达 空间数据库 publication of the updated spatial data spatial-temporal change classification and representation spatial database
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