
质量、信息和公共政策:消费者购买无公害鸡蛋的影响因素分析 被引量:3

Quality,Information and Public Policy——Analysis on Influence of Consumers' Purchasing Non-polluted Eggs
摘要 本文以在北京市海淀区进行的消费者访谈和问卷调查,分析了消费者收入,消费者对产品的信任程度、消费者个体特征、无公害鸡蛋和普通鸡蛋的价格差等对消费者鸡蛋购买行为的影响。基于数量化理论Ⅱ类的模型估计结果表明,消费者的收入水平、对无公害鸡蛋的相信程度以及性别是影响消费者购买无公害和绿色鸡蛋的主要因素,而年龄和不同地点无公害鸡蛋与普通鸡蛋的价格差对消费者购买行为的影响比较复杂,教育程度对购买行为的影响较小,但其影响方向与理论预期一致。根据实证结论,最后提出了提高中低收入者的收入水平、通过政府监控宣传和生产者的自律提高消费者对无公害食品的信任程度、以及将无公害鸡蛋价格的合理设定等政策含义和商业启示。 Based on the consumer interviews and questionnaires conducted in the Haidian District of Beijing, the article analyses several elements that have influenced consumers' egg-buying behaviour, which include consumers' income, their confidence in products, their individualistic characteristics and the price difference of ordinary eggs, etc. It is demonstrated that the major elements influencing consumers' choosing non-polluted eggs are their income level, their confidence and sexes, while the in-fluence of age and the price difference of eggs on consumers' purchasing behaviour is more complicated, education degree having less influence. Based on the positive conclusion, the article puts forward some policy implications and commercial inspirations, such as improving the income of the middle and lower class people, increasing consumers' confidence in non-polluted products through government regulation and producers' self-discipline as well as setting a reasonable price of non-polluted products, etc.
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第4期125-130,共6页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 "十五""211"工程项目<流通经济与物流管理>子项目<农产品批发市场与期货市场比较研究与模拟实验室建设>资助项目。 北京市自然科学基金<HACCP体制下确保北京加工食品质量安全研究>(项目批准号:9062007)。 中国人民大学亚洲研究中心资助项目<东北亚农产品批发市场流通体制比较研究>(项目批准号:2004014)。 国家自然科学基金项目<HACCP体制下食品加工和消费的公共管理研究>(项目批准号:70473095)
关键词 无公害鸡蛋 消费者购买行为 信任程度 食品质量安全 公共政策 non-polluted eggs consumers' purchasing behaviour food quality security public poli-cy
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