MDA的早日实现依赖其生成器的支持,基于XMI的UML模型与XML Schema的转换的研究属于MDA生成器的研究.首先,从不同角度分析了XMI、UML、XML Schema之间的关系,归纳了转化的原因,接着给出了转化的依据与流程,最后,基于XMI框架提出了实现转换的方案以及下一步的研究方向.
The realization of MDA depends on its generators, and the research on XMI-based transformation from UML Model to XML Schema belongs to MDA generators. Firstly, the relations among XMI, UML,XML Schema are analyzed from different views, and the reasons and theoretical basis are summarized . Then, the transformation process is presented. Finally, one transformation resolution based on XMI Framework is supplied, and the future research trend is pointed out.