
儿童情绪表达规则的研究综述 被引量:3

The Review of Researches on Children's Emotional Display Rules
摘要 情绪表达规则是儿童情绪社会化的结果,用以指导特定社会情境下表现社会期望情绪的一套规则,包括最大化规则、最小化规则、面具规则和替代规则四种类型。儿童情绪表达规则的认知发展存在显著的性别和年龄差异,并受家庭情绪环境的显著影响,与儿童的社会能力有显著的正相关。 Children's emotional display mles(EDRs) is the result of the socialization and development of emotion. Emotional display roles (EDRs) is used by children to regulate emotion in different social interaction. It includes four styles: minimization rules ,maximization rules, masking roles, substitution rules. Ctfildren' s cognitive development of emotional display rules(EDRs) was most strongly related to age and gender. Positive family emotion environment was related to children' s knowledge and use of EDRs. Children' s knowledge and use of EDRs was positively associated with their social competence.
作者 侯超
出处 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2007年第2期74-76,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
关键词 儿童 情绪表达规则 述评 children emotional display rules review
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