

A Comparative Analysis of Word Order Between English and Russian
摘要 英语与俄语同属印欧语系,英语属日耳曼语族西日耳曼语支,俄语属于斯拉夫语族东斯拉夫语支。它们均属于字母文字,在字形、音调、语法结构上有许多相同或相似的地方。英语在其演变的过程中甩摔了约束其发展的屈折变化,由综合型语言逐渐向分析型语言过渡,形成介于综合和分析之间的一种综合——分析语,词的屈折变化逐渐减少,词法意义的表达越来越多地依赖于语序以及介词等语法功能。而俄语富于形态变化,句子成分在句子中的功能主要通过词形表达出来,语序只起辅助作用,可以说俄语语序是比较自由的。 Both English and Russian belong to the Indo - European language family. English belongs to the western Germanic branch in Germanic family, and Russian belongs to the eastern Slavic branch in Slavic language family. They both belong to letter writings, SO they are same or similar in word forms, tones and grammatical structures. English Ires eliminated the inflectional ctanges which restrained its development during its evolution, and ctanges from a comprehensive language to and analytical one. Thus a comprehensive and analytical language is formed. Tie inflection of words devreases. The expressions of morphological meanings depend more and more upon the grammatical functions of word order and prepositions. Russian is rich in morphological ctanges. The functions of the sentence SOnstituents are mainly expressed by word forms. Word order only works as a supplement. In other words, Russian word order is comparatively free.
作者 闫英
机构地区 黑河学院
出处 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2007年第3期133-135,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
关键词 英语 俄语 语序 对比 English russina word order compariSOn
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