
超声辐射微泡剂对家兔卵巢血管的影响 被引量:1

Efficacy of microvessel density in ovaries of rabbit by low ultrasound irradiation microbubble agent
摘要 目的探讨低功率超声辐射微泡剂对家兔卵巢微血管的影响,为该方法在临床应用提供动物实验依据。方法30只生育期的家兔随机分为2个实验组(A、B组)和1个对照组(C组),每组10只。对A、B组家兔一侧耳缘静脉注射微泡剂,然后以低功率低频率(20 kHz,0.5 W)超声照射家兔腹部的4个象限各120 s,照射结束后在24 h(A组)、7 d(B组)解剖实验组家兔,同时解剖对照组(未行微泡剂注射及照射)家兔,取双侧卵巢,观察每组卵巢血管内血栓形成及微血管密度改变。结果(1)超声干预后A、B两组家兔双侧卵巢血管内血栓形成率分别为(33.67±2.83)%和(2.96±0.80)%,对照组为0,A组与B、C两组比较有统计学差异(P<0.05);B、C两组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。(2)超声干预后,A、B组微血管密度分别为11.00±2.83和24.00±4.80,对照组为27.00±3.09;A组与B、C两组比较有统计学差异(P<0.05);B、C两组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论低功率超声辐射微泡剂对家兔卵巢正常微血管的影响是可逆的。 Objective To explore the efficacy of MVD and VEGF by low power ultrasound irradiating microbubble agent in ovaries of rabbits and provide a theoretical basis for using this method in clinical medicine. Methods Thirty rabbits were randomly divided into 2 experimental groups ( A, B group) and 1 control group ( C group ). Thirty rabbits were injected microbubble agent through one ear peripheral vein, then their abdomens were radiated with low power ultrasound (0.5 W)and low frequency(20 kHz) for 120 seconds. Following the radiation, the rabbits in experimental groups were anatomized after 24 h and 7 days, while the rabbits of control group were anatomized simultaneously. Their double ovaries were fixed with 10% formalin and ovarian angioembolization was observed by HE. Then MVD was measured by immunocytochemical method. Results ( 1 ) The percentage of embolization observed in ovarian microvessels of A group ( 33.67 ± 2.83 ) % was significantly different from either B (2.96 ±0.80)% or C group (0%) (P 〈0.05) ,while there was no significant difference between B and C group. (2)MVD of A group (11.00 ± 2.83 ) is significantly different from both B group (24.00 ± 4. 80) and control group ( 27.00 ± 3.09 ), while there was no significant difference between B and C group Low power ultrasound irradiation microbubble agent has reversible effect on the normal microvessels of rabbit ovaries
出处 《现代医学》 2007年第4期257-260,共4页 Modern Medical Journal
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关计划基金资助项目(2004BA706B03-01)
关键词 低功率超声 微泡剂 微血管 栓塞 low power ultrasound microbubble agent microvessel embolization rabbits
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