【目的】系统分析不同小麦种的细胞质基因组遗传差异,用以发掘和利用新的小麦种质资源。【方法】采用24个叶绿体基因组微卫星分子标记,对普通小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)、斯卑尔脱小麦(Triticum speltaL.)、密穗小麦(Triticum compactum Host.)和中国特有小麦(新疆稻麦T.petropavlavskyi、西藏半野生小麦T.tibetanum和云南铁壳麦T.yunnanense)等不同类型六倍体小麦(AABBDD)叶绿体基因组的遗传多样性进行比较分析。【结果】与普通小麦相比,斯卑尔脱小麦和西藏半野生小麦等群体内的叶绿体遗传变异更丰富,可以作为普通小麦新的细胞质遗传变异来源;与粗山羊草相比,野生二粒小麦与六倍体小麦间存在更近的亲缘关系,这与前人关于二粒小麦是六倍体细胞质供体的研究结果相印证;研究还发现,新疆稻麦与普通小麦在叶绿体基因组上具有很近的亲缘关系,为新疆稻麦是由波兰小麦与普通小麦杂交再由普通小麦回交后产生的假说提供了分子水平上的证据。【结论】斯卑尔脱小麦和西藏半野生小麦等群体内的叶绿体遗传变异比普通小麦更丰富;野生二粒小麦与六倍体小麦以及新疆稻麦与普通小麦之间具有很近的亲缘关系,为不同小麦种的遗传差异提供依据。
[ Objective ] The goal of this study is to analyze the genetic diversity of chloroplast genome among hexaploid wheat populations and their relatives. [Method] 21 SSR markers derived from chloroplast genome of common wheat, are used to measure the genetic diversity among hexaploid wheat populations and their relatives, which include 20 common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 21 spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.), 20 club wheat (Triticum compactum Host.), 10 wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides), 16 Chinese wheat landraces (9 T. tibetanum, 3 T. yunnanense and 4 T. petropavlavskyi) and 9 Aegilops tauschii.[Result]Compared with common wheat, the genetic variation base of chloroplast genome in spelt and T. tibetanum were more abundant, which can be used to broaden the genetic basis of common wheat. Cluster analysis exhibited that wild emmer had a closer consanguine relationship to hexaploid wheat, as compared to Aegilops tauschi. In addition, it was found that there was a closer genetic relationship in chloroplast genome of common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi, which indicated that T. petropavlavskyi probably derived from the backcross between common wheat and Polish wheat. [Conclusion] The genetic variation of chloroplast genome in spelt and T. tibetanum was more abundant than that in common wheat and there were closer genetic relationships between common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi and between hexaploid wheat and emmer.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica