In order to demonstrate the effect of escharectomy during burn shock stage and on controlling infection in patients with major burns,we compared theraputic effects in two groups of patients with extensive burn.Among them 38 patients (70 0±16 1)% TBSA,Ⅲ° (41 0±17 3)% underwent escharectomy during the shock period,and the other 41 patients (65 1±18 3)% TBSA,Ⅲ°( 42 5±20 1)% on the 4th day postburn. The results showed that smaller amounts of the antibiotics were required,mortality were reduced,healing time were shortened,incidences of sepsis,MSOF,osteomyelitis,positive venous cathter culture,positive blood culture were lowered in group A than in group B.Level of IL 6,IL 8,LPS and TNF were lowered in group A than in group B.Subeschar bacterial count showed a mean of 4 6×10 2CFU/g in acute shock stage,and 8 4×10 3CFU/g on the 4th day postburn.Based on the above study,we believe that escharectomy during burn shock stage is satisfactory in regard to prevention of infection and sepsis.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army