针对采用动力调谐陀螺(DTG)稳定平台的某型号系统,分析了陀螺仪输出信号中的1N交流成分(与转子转速同频的交流成分)对平台航向效应的影响。给出了系统中各坐标系之间的关系图和系统水平回路的简化框图。分析了台体在1N交流信号作用下的响应,给出了该交流信号引起的陀螺附加漂移公式,其中包含常值漂移和HSD(heading sensitive drift,航向漂移)两部分,从而说明了此交流成分可以引起平台的航向效应。结合实际参数进行了计算,结果表明陀螺附加漂移中的常值项可达0.092(°)/h,HSD分量可达0.055(°)/h。根据推导过程及陀螺漂移公式给出了相应的解决措施。在回路中使用针对陀螺自转频率的陷波器以及适当调整伺服回路的参数等可有效减小陀螺附加漂移,特别是HSD分量。
The influence of the 1N alternating ingredient of the gyros' outputs on the HSD(heading sensitive drift) of an inertial platform using dynamically tuned gyros was analyzed. Based on the simulation result and the principle of the system, the response of the inertial platform to the 1N alternating ingredient was analyzed. The expressions of the gyro drift were presented and calculated. The result indicates that the constant drift can reach 0.(192 (°)/h and the HSD can reach 0.055 (°)/h. According to the expressions of gyro drift and the deducing process, some approaches were put forward to reduce the gyro drift. The notch filter in the servo loop and adjusting the parameters of the servo loop can reduce the gyro drift effectively, especially the HSD.
Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology