目的探讨PET-CT显像在检测乳腺癌及其转移以及乳腺癌疗效评价方面的临床价值。方法对7例经18F-FDG PET-CT检查确诊、资料完整的乳腺癌病人进行回顾性分析(其中一例同时做11C-MET PET-CT检查)。结果3例治疗前检查病例乳腺共发现6个病灶,其中2例伴有转移;1例化疗后复查病灶代谢明显减低;3例术后复查,其中2例发现全身多处转移。结论PET-CT在乳腺癌的诊断、分期及疗效观察等方面具有更多的优越性。
Objective To discuss the clinical value of PET-CT in detecting breast cancer, its metastasis and therapeutic effect. Methods A retrospective study was taken. Information about 7 patients with breast cancer who had been examined by PET-CT with ^18 F-FDG (One of them had been examined by PET-CT with 18 F-FDG and ^11C-MET). All of these cases had integrated information to diagnosis breast cancer. Results Pre-therapy 6 focus of infection had been detected in 3 patients and metastasis had been detected in 2 patients. The metabolism of focus of infection had been detected decreasing in 1 patient after chemotherapy. Post-operation multi-metastasis had been detected in 2 patients among 3 patients. Conclution PET-CT have much advantages in diagnosis of breast cancer, evaluation on staging, therapeutic effect of breast Cancer.
Fujian Medical Journal