目的:了解HCV不同基因型对α干扰素治疗的反应。方法:采取干扰素不同治疗量和不同疗程治疗病人。血清用逆转录酶一聚台酶链反应扩增HCVRNA5-非编码区,再用Slot-blot杂交鉴定。结果:HCVRNA阴转,丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)降至正常(完全反应)占40.0%;3x10 ̄6U治疗一月无反应,增量6x10 ̄6U出现前述结果(部分反应I)占36.7%:增量6x10 ̄6U治疗一月无反应,再增量9x10 ̄6U出现前述完全反应结果(部分反应Ⅱ)占15.0%;增量9×10 ̄6U治疗一月无反应(无反应)占8.3%。38.6%HCV基因1型、44.4%Ⅱ型、42.9%Ⅲ型是完全反应。24例完全反应病人中15例治疗前HCVRNA拷贝数低于10/ml。结论:各基因型对于扰索的治疗反应无显著性差异,肝损害轻、血清HCVRNA拷贝数低者对干扰素治疗反应较好。
Aim: To observe the atnount of HCV-RNA(cDNA) and ALT in sera of 60 patients during alfa-inferferon therapy. Methods: Quaottitative PCR and hybridization (slot blot) techniques were used in this paper. Results: The results showed that a complete response(3MU,three times a week) was observed in 40% of all cases, partial response I (6MU, three times a week) was observed in 36.7%, partial respoctse Ⅱ (9MU, three times a week) in 15%, and non-response in 8.3% of cases. 62.5% complete responders whose HCV-RNA in sera before alfa-INF treatment were lower than 105 copies/ml, while 60% non-response cases had HCV-RNA more than 105 copies/ml. In complete responder group, 38.6% was HCV geatotype Ⅰ, 44.4% HCV genotype Ⅱ, and 42.9% genotype Ⅲ infections. Conclusion : When chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis developed, the response to interferon therapy in general was worse than those in chronic persist- ent hepatitis and patients with 0-1 Knodell Score histological changes.
Chinese Journal of Hepatology