目的 探讨赤面恐怖症伴随多汗症的情况。方法 对200例病情符合CCMD-3社交恐怖症诊断标准的赤面恐怖症患者进行伴随多汗症的调查。结果男95例,女105例。年龄:男性平均(29.0±7.1)岁.女性平均(28.0±6.5)岁。病史:男性平均(12.9±7,7)年,女性平均(12.8±7.8)年。83例(41.5%)不伴多汗症;伴有手汗症、头汗症、脚汗症和腋汗症的分别为88例(44.0%)、62例(31.0%)、48例(24.0%)和33例(16.5%)。赤面恐怖症患者可以同时伴有1个以上部位的多汗,其中单纯伴有头汗和单纯伴有手汗最多.分别为24例(12.0%)和20例(10,0%)。结论 赤面恐怖症常常伴有多汗症,其中以头汗症和手汗症多见。赤面恐怖症的病因可能是支配头面部交感神经的过度兴奋,心理问题可能是长期脸红的后果。
Objective To study the phenomenon of erythrophobia accompanied with hyperhidro.sis. Methods Two hundred cases of erythrophobia patients,whose pathogenetic conditions were consistent with the social phobia diagnostic criteria on CCMD-3,were examined for the accompaniment of hyperhidrosis. Results Two hundred patients were examined from December 2003 to April 2006. There were 95 male and 105 female with the average age of (29.0 ± 7.1 ) for men and (28.0 ± 6.5 ) for women. The duration of blushing averaged ( 12.9 ± 7.7 ) years for men and ( 12.8 ± 7.8) years for women. 41.5 % of patients were not accompanied with hyperhidrosis. The rates of accompaniments of hand-hidrosis, cephal-facial-hidr.osis, sole-hidrosis and axillary-hidrosis were 44.0%, 31.0%, 24,0% and 16,5% respectively. Though more than one place of hidrosis could be found in one individual,solitary cephal-facial-hidrosis or solitary hand-hidrosis were the first two kinds of hyperhidrosis accompaniment phenomenon found in the patients,with the incidences of 12.0 % and 10.0 % respectively. Conclusions It is a new finding that many erythrophobia(facial blushing) patients are often accompanied with hyperhidrosis, proof by examining 200 cases of patients. Cephal-facial-hidrosis and hand-hidrosis are first two most common hyperhidrosis accompanied with eryrhrophobia. The overexcitation of sympathetic nerve for cranial-facial part may be the main etiological factors for erythrophobia and psychologic problem might be the consequence of long time blushing.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
Phobic disorders
Sympathetic nervous system