
用开放式信息化推进企业由传统供应链模式向供需网模式变迁的研究 被引量:2

Study on the Transition Process of Enterprises from Traditional Supply Chain to SDN Pattern by Opening Informatization
摘要 描述企业传统供应链模式的概念和特点,指出传统供应链的局限性,在此基础上提出多功能开放性企业供需网的理念,并分析其特征,证明供需网正好可以克服传统供应链的局限性。最后从企业的人力资源、物流和财务三个子系统的信息化角度,给出推进企业由传统供应链模式向供需网模式变迁的机制。 This paper firstly infroduccs the concept and characteristics of traditional supply chain pattern of enterprises and points out its limitations. Then, based on above discusses, the paper puts forward the theory of supply and demand network(SDN) of enterprises with multi-function and open-characteristic, and analyzes this theory's features and demonstrates that this theory can cater the enterprises needs in overcoming the problem of limitations of traditional supply chain. Lastly, from the informatization views of three sub-systems of human resources, logistics and finance of enterprises, the paper gives the transition mechanism of enterprises from traditional supply chain to SDN pattern.
作者 倪明
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期83-86,共4页 Library and Information Service
基金 江西省教育厅科技项目"用供需网理念推进企业实施大规模定制生产及其应用研究"(项目编号:2007-183) 江西省高校人文社基金项目"供需网理念在企业信息化中的应用研究"(项目编号:GL06212) 江西省教育科学"十一五"规划项目"用开放式信息化理念推进江西省高等教育信息化建设研究"(项目编号:06YB069)研究成果之一。
关键词 企业信息化 供需网 开放式 enterprises informatization (EI) supply and demand network with multi-function and open-characteristic (SDN) opening
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