Because of its historical reasons, Hong Kong has been a region with heavy opium or heroin use. It was also because of this, Hong Kong Government had the Adopted as a method for harm reduction, methadone treatment began in priority for preventing HIV/AIDS. Hong Kong based on the report that methadone was effective in helping heroin addicts in New York. In the late 1980s, methadone maintenance, which could substitute heroin and avoid sharing needles, served as an effective way for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. From its start in 1970 and methadone maintenance clinics established in 1972, totally there are 20 clinics distributing all over the territory, opening 7 days a week. Every day 7000 person - time are served. No waiting list, no barrier to turn away, irrespective of sex, age, ethnic origin, religion, nationality or criminal record, and affordable is the character, which enables Hong Kong methadone treatment to play an important part in the prevention and intervention of drug use and HIV/AIDS.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence