

Evaluation on the application of the mouse nicotine toxicity experiment in tobacco control among adolescents
摘要 目的了解青少年对小鼠尼古丁实验的应用评价。方法在干预结束3个月后对1626名初中生进行问卷调查,3个指标用于测量学生对该实验的应用评价,即学生的反应、信心和支持程度。结果87.4%的学生对该实验感兴趣,84.0%的认为实验对自己产生了影响。学生对小鼠尼古丁实验的兴趣程度和感觉到的影响程度最高,其次为多媒体,而文字材料最低,三者间的平均秩的差异有显著性(P<0.001)。85.5%的受访学生相信“尼古丁能对人体产生类似的反应”,83.7%的认为该实验能起到“教育中学生不吸烟”的作用。76.4%的非常赞成或赞成在中学生面前演示此类动物实验,只有9.4%持反对意见。843人(51.9%)非常愿意或愿意亲自做该实验。初一年级学生对实验的反应和信心均明显低于初二年级(P<0.05)。6个评价指标在处于不同吸烟阶段的三组学生间差异有显著性(P<0.05),即未吸烟组>不规律吸烟组>规律吸烟组。结论小鼠尼古丁实验受到了大多数初中生的欢迎与支持,有较好的可信度,值得在学校控烟中推广应用。 Objective To explore the application of the mouse nicotine toxicity experiment in tobacco control among adolescents. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1626 students of three secondary schools with selfadministered questionnaires three months after the intervention. The measurements of the student' s evaluation included their response, confidence and support to the experiment. Results Among the respondents, 87.4% had interest in the experiment and 84.0% had perceived its impact. The mouse nicotine toxicity experiment was attracted by greater interest from the students and was strong perceived by impact on them, when compared with the multi-media and the textbook. There were statistically significant ( P 〈 0.001 ) difference in students' response between the three interventions. And 85.5% of the students believed that nicotine could be similar effects on the human body and 83.7% thought that the experiment could educate middle school students refuse smoking. Among the students, 76.4% agreed to show this kind of animal experiments to middle school students but 9.4% objected. 843 (51.9%) students were willing to do the experiment by themselves. The grade 7 students had lower response and confidence to the experiment than grade 8 students ( P 〈 0.05). The evaluation on the experiment were significant ( P 〈 0.05 ) different among the students in three smoking stages: non-smokers more than irregular smokers more than regular smokers. Conclusion The mouse nicotine toxicity experiment was believed by most students and could get great support from them. It could deserve wider application in school-based tobacco control programs.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期502-505,共4页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 中华医学基金会(CMB)资助项目(No.00-729)
关键词 小鼠 青少年 控烟 尼古丁 mouse, adolescent, tobacco control, nicotine
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