
TAM模型研究进展——整合分析 被引量:10

Advances of Research on Technology Acceptance Model——Meta-analysis
摘要 TAM模型由Davis提出之后,针对该模型出现了大量的理论及实证研究,衍生了包括TAM2等在内的一系列改进模型。尽管大部分研究都支持Davis原始模型的结论,但仍然存在一些相异甚至相左的观点,本文对这些研究进行了系统的评述。 Technology acceptance model is put forward by Davis in his dissertation. Now there are many theoretical and empirical studies on TAM. Following the suggestions of these studies, some revised models including TAM2 are evolved. Althouoh major studies share the same opinion with Davis (1989), there are some different or contradict result issued. In the last part of this paper, results of some meta - analysis on TAM are reviewed.
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期961-965,共5页 Information Science
基金 国家社科基金项目(06BTQ015)
关键词 TAM TAM2 整合分析 TAM TAM2 meta-analysis
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