
过氧化氢与白癜风 被引量:3

Hydrogen peroxide and vitiligo
摘要 白癜风患者表皮内过氧化氢聚集,氧化压力增大。过氧化氢通过对细胞的直接毒性作用、干扰表皮细胞生物喋呤代谢和抑制细胞酶功能等多种途径,破坏黑素细胞,使黑素生成障碍:清除表皮过氧化氢,能使白癜风白斑处表皮细胞空泡消失,形态恢复正常,白斑重新着色,因此,过氧化氢与白癜风的发病有着密切的关系。 It has been demonstrated that the accumulation of epidermal hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) increases oxidative stress in patients with vitiligo. H2O2 can cause damage of melanocytes and disturbance in melanogenesis via direct cytotoxic effect on epidermal cells, interference with tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism and inhibition of cellular enzyme activity in epidermal cells. The removal of epidermal H2O2 may lead to repigmentation of, disappearance of foams in epidermal cells, and recovery of epidermal cell shape in vitiligo lesions, which demonstrates that the pathogenesis of vitiligo is closely related to epidermal H2O2.
作者 李伟 林有坤
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2007年第4期222-224,共3页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 白癜风 过氧化氢 黑素细胞 Vitiligo Hydrogen peroxide Melanocytes
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