
教会学校文化教育与中国现代作家 被引量:2

Cultural Education in Mission Schools and Modern Writers in China
摘要 一些中国现代作家先后在教会学校中接受了教育,英语学习给予了他们接受西方文化知识的语言工具,基督教文化的熏陶对他们的人生态度与人格形成产生了重要作用,教会学校的学习或多或少地影响了他们的文学创作。他们具有文化双重性的特点,大多接受了基督教文化中博爱、宽恕等精神,以批判儒家文化中的忠孝伦理思想;接受了基督教文化中的平等、自由等思想,以摆脱传统封建等第思想的束缚;接受了西方文化中的科学、民主等思想,以追求现代文明中的社会理想。他们以其独特的文化素养、思想意识、文学创作为中国社会的发展做出了重要贡献,也显示出教会学校在中国社会发展进程中的重要作用与影响。 The mission schools had a significant impact on the development of Chinese education and the spread of western civilization, and contributed much to the cultivation of Chinese modern intellectuals. A lot of Chinese modern writers got educated in mission schools successively. The English education in mission schools gave them linguistic tools to contact with and accept the western culture and knowledge. During their school periods, the Chinese modern writers were nurtured and influenced by the strong atmosphere of Christian culture, which had a significant impact on their characters and personalities. Their study in mission schools more or less influenced their literature writing, and formed their character of cultural dualism. Most of them accepted the spirit of fraternity and forgiveness in Christian culture to criticize the Confucian ethics of loyalty and filial piety, accepted the mind of liberty and equality to break away from the bondage of feudal rank, and accepted the western thought of science and democracy to pursue the social ideal of modern civilization. Their special cultural character, ideological consciousness and literature writing made a remarkable contribution to the development of Chinese society, which also embodied the important function of mission schools in the development of Chinese society.
作者 杨剑龙
出处 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期198-204,共7页 Jianghai Academic Journal
基金 国家社科基金项目"五四新文化运动与基督教文化思潮"(项目号:05BZW041)的阶段性成果
  • 相关文献


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