Inter-governmental relations (viz. IGR) mean the interaction among all levels of governments, including vertical IGR that refer to the interaction between central government and local governments, as well as the interaction between higher levels and lower levels of local governments ; and horizontal IGR that refer to the interaction among the same level of local gove.rnments, and the interaction among the different levels of local governments without affiliated connections. Vertical IGR is mostly embodied by the power and financial relations between government of all levels, and horizontal IGR is mostly represented by the economical relations. Under the push of economical interests, vertical IGR is shown in form of competition, cooperation and conflict. On the other hand, whether we analyze vertical IGR or horizontal IGR, the relations between the central government and local governments is indispensable. Basis on this, the major problems confronting IGR should be analyzed from five aspects as relationship between central government and local governments, the distribution of inter-governmental affairs, the division of inter-governmental financial affairs, the competition among local governments, and the cooperation among local governments. The analysis on the problems is carried our in view of legality, and the countermeasures are also to be considered from the viewpoint of IGR.
Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology(Social Sciences)
intergovemmental relations
competition among local governments
cooperation among local governments