

Virtual environment with middleware technology for multiple telerobot system
摘要 当操作者通过Internet网络控制远端机器人时,结构合理的虚拟操作环境可以增强远程控制能力,良好的网络通信能力可以保证操作意图的有效性.首先阐明了虚拟操作环境在多机器人网络遥操作系统中的重要作用,然后分析了以CORBA(公共对象请求中介体系结构)/Java技术融合为基础的中间件技术的特点,及其在实现分布式虚拟环境过程中的通信作用.在进行虚拟环境(VE)结构分析的基础上,通过定义VE中的客户类和服务器类,利用统一建模语言(UML)图形化表达了VE框架的内在关系.通过在VE中实现销孔装配实验,表明通过融合CORBA/IIOP的网络互操作性和Java的可移植对象结构,可以有效实现网络对象通信;所建立的VE具有良好的人机交互能力,可以保证操作者预期的操作要求和在Internet网络中实现多操作者实时协作和并行操作能力. When multi-operator control robots through the Internet, logical distributed virtual environment (DVE) can enhance remote control capability and network communicating capability can guarantee efficient operations. The importance of VE in an Internet based multiple telerobot system is clarified first and then the characters of the middleware technology based on CORBA/Java technology is analyzed to realize the DVE. The definitions of the client class and server class for VE model is built referred to the structural analysis of VE and the process of teleoperation, and inner connections of system framework and the important application of CORBA/Java communicating technology is discussed with UML. A pin-in-hole experiment is implemented in VE to discuss that communication among network objects is efficient by using the interoperation of CORBA and portable character of Java, and it is also realized that VE in a telerobot system has good interactive capability to guarantee the operational precision and multi-operator real-time cooperation.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期1066-1071,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家高新技术研究发展计划资助项目(2001AA422250)
关键词 多机器人 虚拟环境(VE) 中间件 遥操作 CORBA(公共对象请求代理结构) multi-robot virtual environment ( VE ) middleware teleoperation CORBA
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