为建立低消耗、低排放、高效益的新型养殖模式,在鳜养殖池塘引入微生物、水生植物以及投放其他鱼种进行生产试验。在0.2 hm2鱼池中,投放4 cm鳜鱼种2790尾,经过185 d的饲养,单产达到415 kg/667m2。鳜池连同饵料鱼池共0.65 hm2面积,平均利润3977元/667m2,商品率90%。在局部生态系统条件下,池塘水质实现了自净,水质指标符合鳜生长要求,养殖用水比常规养殖相对减少。
2790 mandarin fish(Siniperca chuatsi)of 4 cm long was stocked in 0. 2 hectare fish pond, the production trial was carried out on introduction of microorganism and aquatic plants, other fingerlings in culture pond of mandarin fish. The production yield was 415 kg/667 m^2 in 0. 65 hectare fish pond with the profit of 3977 yuan/667 m^2 and 90% commercial size. The water achieved self rehabilitation under conditions of light power, hydrochemistry microorganism, plant communication and so on. This reduced more than one third of water usage than traditional fish farming.
Freshwater Fisheries