
华南抗稻瘿蚊分子标记辅助育种(英文) 被引量:3

Molecular Assisted Breeding for Resistant Varieties against Asian Rice Gall Midge in South China
摘要 亚洲稻瘿蚊(Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason)是华南的主要水稻害虫.选育抗虫品种是最有效的生态控制方法。本文综述1998-2006年抗性育种的进展。用AFLP方法对从中国广东省7个地点采集的4个生物型的DAN指纹进行分析;在对用RAPD和SSR技术分别对抗中国4个稻瘿蚊生物型的基因Gm6精细定位基础上,用与Gm6紧密连锁的STS和SSR标记开展分子标记辅助育种,创造了一批抗稻瘿蚊的新种质,包括育成了6个栽培稻和6个二系杂交稻和1个三系杂交稻并在农户试种,在中国广东成功地建立了分子标记辅助选育抗稻瘿蚊品种的技术体系。 Asian rice gall midge (GM) (Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason) is a major rice pest in South China. Breeding resistance varieties has been a viable and ecologically acceptable approach for managing the pest. This paper summered the progress of breeding resistant varieties against GM in China from 1998-2006. The DNA fingerprints of 4 biotypes of GM population from 7 locations were analyses by AFLP. Base on the fine mapping of resistance gene Gm6 against all 4 Chinese GM biotypes by RAPD and SSR methods respectively, the STS markers and SSR markers linked to gene Gm6 were used for breeding through marker assisted selection (MAS). Some new resistant germplasm with Gm6 gene were created. And 6 cultivars and 6 lines of two-line hybrid rice and 1 line of three-line hybrid rice against GM were bred and extended to the farmer. The technique system of MAS for resistant varieties against Asian rice gall midge was set up at Guangdong province of China.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2007年第4期507-514,共8页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 This research were supported by the Asia Rice Biotechnology Net Work project -Achieving Impact and Sus-tainability sponsored by Asian Development Bank. And the International cooperation project-studies on the resistance gene withmolecular biotechnology supported by the Guangdong Province Commission of Science and Technology of China and Guangdong A-cademy of Agricultural Sciences.
关键词 水稻 稻瘿蚊 DNA指纹 Gm6基因 分子标记辅助选择 抗性品种 Rice, Asian rice gall midge (GM) or Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason, DNA fingerprinting, Gene Gm6, Marker assisted selection (MAS), Resistant varieties
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