
拼图阅读策略在英语教学中的运用 被引量:23

Applying Jigsaw Reading Strategy to English Teaching
摘要 合作学习法自上世纪70年代问世以来在世界范围得到了迅速而深入的发展,其不可比拟的优势吸引了大批专家学者和教育工作者。作为合作学习的一种有效形式,拼图阅读策略被广泛地运用于各类课程的教学活动。在英语教学中,拼图阅读的优势得到尤其充分的发挥。这一灵活的教学形式不仅可以积极地促进学生获得语言知识,提高阅读能力,同时也培养学生的口语能力和交际能力。在拼图阅读教学过程中,教师的角色至关重要。从活动设计、学生分组到引导协调、检查总结,教师都要精心策划、悉心指导、严格监控。 Since 1970s, cooperative learning has been flourishing throughout the world. Meanwhile, its incomparable advantages have attracted large numbers of experts and educators. As an effective form of cooperative learning, the jigsaw reading strategy was applied to different courses and students at all levels. Yet its advantages are fully displayed in English teaching because the jigsaw reading strategy not only helps students acquire language competence and improve reading skill but also improves students' oral English and cultivates their communicative competence. In the jigsaw reading activity, the teacher plays a vital role and shoulders the responsibilities of designing, grouping, directing, supervising, inspecting and summarizing, which has been proved far more challenging than in the traditional teaching-learning process.
作者 化聪超
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期363-367,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
关键词 合作学习 拼图阅读策略 英语教学 语言能力 交际能力 cooperative learning jigsaw reading strategy English teaching language competence communicative competence
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