
基于地中渗透仪的入渗补给方式分析 被引量:10

Characterization of groundwater recharge processes based on large lysimeters
摘要 文章通过在某均衡试验场地中的渗透仪上开展土壤水流穿透试验,分析灌溉水对地下水补给方式。试验结果表明:淹灌条件下,粉细砂扰动土中的穿透曲线为典型的单峰对称型,表明粉细砂中的土壤水通过活塞式入渗补给地下水;而亚粘土中的穿透曲线显示多峰、优先穿透、拖尾等现象,表明亚粘土中的土壤水以优势流方式补给地下水。通过对均衡场降水入渗补给的长观资料分析发现:在自然降雨条件下亚粘土中优势流明显,粉细砂中主要以活塞流为主。 Understanding groundwater recharge pollutant transfer to groundwater. Breakthrough processes is critical to assess groundwater recharge resources and experiments were conducted with different sizes of lysimeters in undisturbed silt loam soil and repacked fine sand were used to characterize groundwater recharge processes in this paper. Breakthrough curves of 2 contrasting soils exhibite different shapes. The shapes of breakthrough curves as well as measurements of outflow rate and unsaturated profile moisture content indicate that piston flow of infiltrating recharge mainly occurred in fine sand but preferential flow of infiltrating recharge was obvious in silt loam soil. When irrigation lasted for a long period of time, the soil moisture content increased and the preferential flow in silt loam soil became shrinkage cracks precipitation are fine sand. less obvious and disappeared. This shows that the preferential pathways in silt loam soil are mainly induced by swelling and shrinking of clay minerals. In this study groundwater recharge from also analyzed. It is found that preferential flow occurs in silt loam soil, and piston flow occurs in fine sand.
出处 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期107-111,115,共6页 Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
基金 中国地质大学优秀青年教师资助项目(CUGQNL0540) 国家自然科学基金项目(40472123)
关键词 地下水补给方式 地中渗透仪 亚粘土 优势流 干缩裂隙 groundwater recharge process lysimeter silt loam preferential flow shrinkage crack
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