Regional sustainable development must be founded on the sustained development of its individuals and enterprises under the circumstance of economic globalization and surplus economy. The development experience of development countries shows that brand enterprises have powerful competitivity, and regional economy supported by brand enterprises can safeguard the sustained development of its individuals and enterprises effectively. The resource allocation function of brands grows sharply with the increasing brand competition. The present sustainable development measures including mainly fee charging, taxes, and emission standard control etc. are lead by governments. With the role shift of government from resource allocation participation to resource allocation adjustment, brand economy strategy is needed to bring the enterprises' initiative into full play in sustainable development of regional economy. The study shows that brand economy have inherent motive to pursue sustainability, for example, to promote the rate species conservation and environment protection, and the steady development of effective employment. Implementing the brand economic strategy can not only achieve the development of the present people, but also make for the development of the future generations.
China Population,Resources and Environment
regional economy
sustainable development
brand economy