
NiO直接电化学还原制Ni制片条件对阴极片孔隙率影响研究 被引量:1

Study on porosity influenced by preparation conditions of cathode pellets in the process of direct electrochemical reduction of NiO to produce Ni
摘要 本文研究了NiO直接电化学还原制取Ni工艺过程中制片条件对阴极片孔隙率影响。设计正交实验研究了成型过程中粘结剂的浓度和用量、球磨时间和成型压力对阴极片孔隙率的影响。结果表明,其中成型压力影响最大。利用SEM、测定孔隙率等手段研究了成型压力、烧结时间和烧结温度对NiO片的影响。结果表明:三者对孔隙率影响程度由大到小依次为:烧结温度、成型压力、烧结时间;随着烧结温度压力和成型压力的增大,试样孔隙率逐渐减小;而烧结时间对试样孔隙率的影响不大。 Factors that influence porosity of cathode pellets in theprocess of direct electrochemical reduction of NiO to produce Ni were studied. The orthogonal experiment was designed which research on the impaction to porosity of cathode pellets, such as the concentration and dosage of binder, the time of milling and the molding pressure. Results showed that the molding pressure impact was the greatest. SEM and measurement of porosity of NiO pellets were used to analysis the influence of molding pressure, sintering temperature and sintering time. Resuits showed that factors impact porosity from the greatest to the lightest was: sintering temperature, sintering time and molding pressure. Porosity of cathode pellets decrease with the increase of sintering temperature or molding pressure, while sintering time has slight impact to porosity.
出处 《化学工程师》 CAS 2007年第7期10-12,共3页 Chemical Engineer
关键词 孔隙率 NIO 阴极片 porosity NiO nickel cathode pellets
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