随着可用Web Services数量的快速增长,如何根据用户的需求来自动组合Web Services,生成满足用户需求的组合业务,成为一项亟待解决的课题。提出了一种基于QoS的启发式算法,通过该算法,动态调用Web Services来自动生成满足用户所需目标的Web Service组合.同时,该算法还能够根据Web Services组合经验,对以后的Web Services组合方案进行调整。实验结果表明:该算法能够很好地适应网络上Web Services的不确定情况,与同类算法进行性能比较,也显示出较好的性能。
With the growing number of available Web Services, it is an imperative task to study how to compose Web Services based on the requirements of the customers.The QoS-based method automatically composes Web Services directly according to the customers' requirements, and then executes the composed services to achieve the customers' goals. Based on the historic records of Web Services compositions, this method uses a heuristic approach to adjust the composition scheme. Experimental results show that the method is well fits for the volatile environment and yields better performance over other algorithms.
Yin Rong-wang,Mao Zhi-jian (1.Department of Basic Courses HeFei University HeFei An Hui 230022 ;2.Department of Computer ChangZhou Institute of Engineering Technology ChangZhou JiangSu 213164)
Computer Knowledge and Technology