1Alexander Roitinger, Antidumping Reform, Trade Policy Flexibility, and Compensation, Discussion Paper No. 2002 - 18, Department of Economics, University of St. Gallen, 2002.
2Finger J. Michael, Francis Ng & Sonam Wangchuk, Antidumping as Safeguard Policy, World Bank Working Paper, No.2730, 2001.
3Messerlin, Patrick A., Antidumping and Safeguards, in Schott, Jeffrey J. (ed.), The WTO after Seattle, Washington D.C., Institute for International Economics, 2000.
5Finger J. Michael, Francis Ng & Sonam Wangehuk, 2001, p.3.
6Finger, Ng & Wangehuk , 2001, p.20.
7Messerlin, Patrick A., Antidumping and Safeguards, in Schott, Jeffrey J. (eds), The WTO after Seattle, Washington D.C., Institute for International Economics, 2000, pp. 161 - 163.