

An Impression of Novellas in 2006
摘要 2006年的小说,仍是2005年小说的延续和发展,平顺而自然,不存在基因突变,2005年有着不俗成绩的一些作家仍是2006年度的主力,如严歌苓,须一瓜,王松等,新旧面孔的替换在2006年里并不显眼。与2005年小说一脉相承的“底层叙事”仍是2006年小说的一个关注点,而王松、乔叶等通过对记忆的发现,让小说从记忆的领地上“飞起来”;叶舟的“解构”小说,通过人物不同视角的多角度叙述,营造种种扑朔迷离的效果;格非的先锋气象依稀可见;罗伟章凸显教育异化的问题,有着极强的现实指涉力;胡学文的小说结构用耳目一新,很文本的方式向我们揭示许多不为人知的真相在权力守护下的“高悬”。总之,2006年度的中篇小说,在总体上可以说仍是2005年小说的延续,从话语方式上看不出有什么明显的变异,这是个相对平衡的年度。 The novels in 2006, a continuation and development of those in 2005, are smooth and natural without drastic changes, for some writers who accomplished much in 2005 remain active and influential in 2006, including Yan Geling, Xu Yigua, Wang Song, etc. , and there are no striking substitution of familiar writers with new ones. The "narrative of the bottom stratum", a direct successor of novels in 2006, is still a point of concern in the novels of 2006. Through their discovery of memory, Wang Song and Qiao Ye, etc. have managed novels views. to set novels "flourishing " in the aspect of memory, whereas Ye Zhou' s "deconstructive" succeed in securing various bewildering effects by employing multi-narration of diverse points of The flavor of avant-garde literature is visible in Ge Fei' s novels, and Lou Weizhang highlights in his fiction the alienation of education, which is closely related to social reality, while Hu Xuewen' s novels, framed in a new structure, uncover in a textual manner numerous unknown truths "concealed" in the disguise of power. In a word, the novellas in 2006, in general a continuation of novels in 2005, exhibit no obvious changes in the mode of discourse and are fairly balanced.
作者 藏策
机构地区 天津人民出版社
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期57-61,共5页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 2006年 中篇小说 印象 the year 2006 novella impression
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