We analyzed the endoscopic features of 34 patients with excavated type early gastric cancer and found that the ulcers may pos sess these endoscopic features rough and uneven in the ulcer edge, extension of the ulcer crater that blurs the ulcer edge, bleed ing at the edge, abnormal folds at the mar gin, disruption of folds before they reach the crater, an unuually necrotic crater and ab normal mucosa surrounding the ulcer. The positive rate may reach 76. 3% if the ulcer possess one of the features or more, other wise, it's only 0. 1% (P<0. 001). Addition ally, the number of biopsies may affect the positive rate of early gastric cancers that were tested out. Four quadrant biopsies or more from inner margin and the center are usually appropriate The positive rate of which may reach 95- 2% otherwise it's only 61.5% if two biopsies or less (P<0. 05).
Hainan Medical Journal