

Synthesis and Photocuring Properties of Aliphatic Amine Co-initiator with Different Chain Length
摘要 通过麦克尔加成反应合成了不同链长的脂肪胺助引发剂,采用了实时红外技术对其光聚合性能进行研究,考察了不同胺链长、光引发剂浓度,不同单体对光聚合性能的影响。结果表明,随着链长的增加,光聚合反应速率和转化率没有多大的差别,在所研究的浓度范围内,随着助引发剂用量的增加,光聚合反应速率和转化率都相应的增加,对于二苯甲酮的选择有一个最佳用量,而二苯甲酮的结构对光聚合反应速率也有一定的影响,另外随着单体的官能度的增加,光聚合的反应转化率降低。 Four different kinds of aliphatic amine coinitiator with different chain length were synthesized via MichaelAddition reaction. Real time infrared spectroscopy (RTIR) was used to study the effect of differet chain length, concentrations of photoinitiator and different monomer system on the pelymeirzation kinetics. The obtained results indicated that amines with different chain length led to the similar rate of photopelymerization and double bond conversion. With the increase of concentration of amine, rate of polymerization and double bond conversion increased. However, there was an optimum benzophenone concentration. Increasing the functionality of the monomer system resulted in the decrease of the double bond conversion.
出处 《信息记录材料》 2007年第4期22-25,共4页 Information Recording Materials
关键词 脂肪胺助引发剂 光聚合 动力学 实时红外 aliphatic amine coinitiator photopolymefization kinetics real time infrared spectroscopy (RTIR)
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