
河北大学博物馆馆藏蝗总科的新属和新种(直翅目) 被引量:2

摘要 在整理河北大学博物馆馆藏的蝗总科标本中,发现1新属4新种,它们为斑腿蝗科Catantopidae的广西龙川蝗Longchuanacris guangxiensis sp.nov.,斑翅蝗科Oedipodidae的拟短腿蝗属Parahilethera gen.nov.,西藏拟短腿蝗Parahilethera xizangensis sp.nov.及淡黑纹束颈蝗Sphingonotus caerulistriatus sp.nov.,网翅蝗科Arcypteridae的拟中宽雏蝗Chorthippus parapricarius sp.nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。 In this paper, one new genus and four new species of Acridoidea, Parahilethera gen.nov., Parahilethera xizangensis sp.nov., Longchuanacris guangxiensis sp.nov., Sphingonotus caerulistriatus sp.nov. and Chorthippus apricaroides sp.nov. are described and illustrated. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Museum of Hebei University, Hebei,China. 1 Longchuanacris guangxiensis sp. nov. This new species is allied to L.macrofurculus Zheng et Fu, 1989, but differs in: 1) without median keel on the disc of head; 2) width of interocular distance equal to the width of frontal ridge between antennae; 3 ) hind margin of pronomm wide arc, with a small concave in the middle; 4) top of elytra wide round; 5 ) furcula small, triangular; 6) disc of body yellow green; 7) hind tibia yellow green; 8) cercus yellow green. ♂. Length of body 15.0-15.5mm; length of pronottma 3 mm; length of elytra 4.0-4.5 mm; length of hind femur 10.0-10.2 mm. Holotype ♂, Guangxi, Fusui (22°7′N, 107°9′E), 18 Aug. 2004, collected by YU Yang and BA Yi-Bin. Paratype 1 ♂ , same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type lofty Guangxi. 2 Parahilethera gen.nov. Body moderate size. Head shorter than pronotum, sfiglady oblique forward, in profile, frons nearly vertical,frontal ridge wide and fiat, without longitudinal sulcus. Foveola distinct, triangular. Antennae filiform, reaching the hind margin of pronouam. Eyes nearly round, small, longitudinal diameter of eyes equal to the length of subocular furrow. Median keel of pronotum distinct, but indistinct between anterior and posterior transverse sulci; lateral keels indistinct; posterior transverse sulcus situated before the middle of pronotum. Elytm and wing developed, reaching over the top of hind femur; end of median intercalary vein close the media, width of cubital area larger than the width of medial area, with intercalary vein. Hind wing with dark band in the middle. Hind femur stout and short, its length 1.2 times the length of hind tibia, inner side black. Arolium small, rhombus. Subgenital plate of male short conical. Valves of female stout and short. Subgenital plate of female longer than wide, hind margin nearly flat. Type species :Parahilethera xizangensis sp.nov. This new genus is similar to Hilethera Uvarov, 1923, but differs in: 1 ) longitudinal diameter of eye equal to the length of subgenitalr furrow; 2) length of hind femur 1.2 times the length of hind tibia; 3) hind wing with dark band in the middle. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin para and hilethera. 3 Parahilethera xizangensis sp. nov. Body brown. Basal part of elytra dark brown; hind wing transparent, with a dark brown band in the middle.Upper side of hind femur with two dark bands, inner side black, nearly end light color, knee black. Hind labia yellow, basal part black. Hind tarsi yellow. Length of body: ♂ 17mm; ♀21-25.5mm; length of pronotum:♂ 4mm; ♀5.0-5.5mm; length of elytra: ♂ 14 mm;♀ 18-21 mm; length of hind femur: 8mm,♂ 10-11.5 mm. Holotype ♂ , Xizang, Changdu (31°N, 97°2′E), 8 July 2004, collected by BA Yi-Bin and SHI Ai-Min. Paratypes: 5♀♀, same date as holotype; 2♀♀, Xizang, Markam (29°6′N, 98°5′E), 13 June 2004, collected by BA Yi-Bin and SHI Ai-Min. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality Xizang. 4 Chorthippus apricaroides sp. nov. This new species is allied to C. apricarius(L.), but differs in: 1 ) the maximus width between lateral keels 2 times (♂) or 2.5 times (♀) its minimum width between lateral keel; 2) length of prozona 1.25 times (♂) or as long as ( ♀ ) metazona; 3 ) top of precostal area reaching half of anterior of elytra; 4) width of medial area narrower than costal area, subcostal area and radial area width together; 5) width of medial area 5 times (♂) the width of cubital area. Length of body: ♂ 15.5-17.5 mm; ♀20-21 mm. length of pronotum: ♂ 4-5 mm;♀ 5.0-5.5 mm; length of dytra: ♂ 13-14 mm; ♀ 16-17 mm; length of hind femur: ♂ 10.0-11.2 mm; ♀ 12.0-12.5 mm. Holotype ♂ , Sichuan, Jiuzhaigou (32°4′ N, 103°5′E), 1 Aug. 2002, collected by BAI Ming and WANG Jian-Feng. Paratypes: 1♂♂, 3♀♀ same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin apricar and oides. 5 Sphingonotus caerulistriatus sp.nov. This new species is allied to S. eurasius Mistshenko, 1936, but differs in: 1 ) disc of metazona without short longitudinal keels; 2) RS of elytra with 2 (♂)or 4 (♀) branch; 3) length of metazona 2.2 times the length of prozona; 4) hind wing with very light black stripe; 5) dark stripe reaching outer margin of hind wing. Length of body: ♂ 20 mm;♀27 mm; length of pronotum: ♂ 4 mm; ♀ 5 mm; length of elytra: ♂ 18 mm; ♀79-24 mm; length of hind femur:♂ 11 mm; ♀ 13 mm. Holotype ♂ , Xizang, Markam (29°6′N, 98°5′E), 13June 2004, collected by BA Yi-Bin and SHI Ai-Min. Paratype 1♀, same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin caerul and stri.
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期664-670,共7页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 直翅目 蝗总科 新属 新种 河北大学博物馆 Orthoptera, Acridoidea, new genus, new species
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  • 2Harz, K. 1975. The Orthoptera of Europe. Vol. Ⅱ. Dr. W. Jank B. V. -Publishers-The Hague. 1-939.
  • 3黄春梅.新疆束颈蝗属及其新种[J].昆虫学报,1982,22(3):296-301.
  • 4Mistshenko, L. L. 1936. Revision of Palaearctic species of the genus Fieb. (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Eos., 12: 65-282.
  • 5郑哲民,傅鹏.云南蝗虫一新属新种(直翅目:斑腿蝗科)[J].动物分类学报,1989,14(3):305-308. 被引量:5
  • 6郑哲民,夏凯龄.1998.中国动物志,昆虫纲,翁16卷.直翅目,斑翅蝗科及网翅蝗科.北京:科学出版社.1-616












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