
HT-7等离子体辐照后金属第一镜表面特性研究 被引量:5

Investigation of First Mirror Irradiated in HT-7
摘要 主要研究多晶钨、钼、不锈钢等金属第一镜在HT-7超导托卡马克等离子体辐照后的表面特性变化。金属第一镜直接安装在装置内部第一壁的不同位置,试验后通过对镜面反射率和第一镜表面形貌、成分的测量,研究不同材料第一镜的表面特性变化。通过对试验结果的分析,发现三种材料的第一镜漫反射率变化都较大,钨材料第一镜的镜面反射率变化是三者中最小的,样品周围加热系统决定了附近第一镜的表面特性变化趋势。 The surface's character of the metallic first mirrors changes when the first mirrors made from polycrystalline W, SS, Mo located at different areas on the first wall of HT-7 were exposed to the plasma, was strdied After the experiment, the reflectivity of these mirrors and the component of their surface were analyzed in order to researching the change of their surface's character. The results obtained show that the diffuse reflectivity of the mirrors made from three different materials has much change, at the same time, the specular reflectivity of mirrors made from W material has the least change. The results also show that the condition the mirrors located decides the change of the mirrors' surface.
出处 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期11-14,共4页 Surface Technology
关键词 第一镜 反射率 溅射 沉积 表面形貌 First mirror Reflectivity Sputtering technology Deposition Surface morphology
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