

Study on the Simulated Test for Distributed Simulation System
摘要 目前国内大规模分布式仿真系统的研究手段还存在很大的不足,为此本文实现了一个大规模分布式仿真系统的模拟测试系统。该系统可模拟分布式仿真应用所涉及到的各种软硬件资源,具有模拟能力强的优点,且可通过配置文件对被模拟系统进行灵活配置,以实现对不同仿真场景的模拟测试。本文给出了该模拟测试系统的实现结构及其运行方式。 With the continuous development of distributed simulations techniques, the demand of large scale distributed simulation systems are also concerned significantly. The research tools of large scale distributed simulation systems are very deficient in our nationality. In order to solve this problem, a simulator is developed to simulate large scale distributed simulations based on fully understanding the trait of simulation test systems. It is designed to reflect various components included in distributed simulations. Researchers can easily configure the simulator to simulate different distributed simulation systems to carry on various studies.
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2007年第4期27-30,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(NO60573103) 湖南省重点建设学科项目
关键词 分布式仿真 模拟测试系统 配置文件 distributed simulation simulation test System configuration file
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